We’re proud to announce that Ronin’s Saigon Testnet is migrating to DPoS! This important release allows us to explore exciting new features and gather valuable community feedback in preparation for Ronin’s upcoming mainnet DPoS launch.
Key Points
Registration to become a Saigon Testnet Validator is open until January 12th
Introducing new validator Analytics Dashboard and Governance tools
If this test proceeds smoothly, mainnet RON staking may arrive sooner
A Brief History of Saigon Testnet
Saigon Testnet is a development playground for Ronin builders and developers that went live in November 2022. It’s a place where anyone, anywhere can show the merit of their work by deploying smart contracts, in turn making the case for their deployment on mainnet Ronin. Saigon Testnet is a big part of our collective journey towards an open-sourced Ronin.
What is DPoS?
DPoS stands for Delegated Proof of Stake, a more democratic way of choosing validators. The validators are chosen based on earned reputation as a lawful staker and not overall wealth.
Ronin is moving towards DPoS because it enables a greater balance of security, and decentralization than the current PoA mechanism (Proof of Authority).
Become a Saigon Testnet Validator
Validators have the important duty of making sure all transactions on Ronin are processed correctly. Validators also act as crucial supporters and evangelists of our powerful ecosystem. On Saigon Testnet, validators will help battle-test our migration to DPoS before it arrives on mainnet.
If you want to become a Saigon Testnet Validator, click the button below and fill out the application form. Successful applicants will receive the minimum 500,000 Testnet RON required to bootstrap their node.
Applications are accepted until January 12th and we will choose at least 5 community members to become Saigon Testnet validators.
We have allocated up to 18,000 mainnet RON from the community allocation as a reward for validators with minimal downtime and who share quality feedback during this testing period. These rewards will be distributed at the end of the program in March 2023.
Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough to onboarding a Saigon Testnet validator.
Become a Saigon Testnet Delegator
Everyone will have the opportunity to stake their tokens to a validator. They will also be able to see validators’ uptimes, total Testnet RON staked, and reward APR with a new Analytics Dashboard. This allows delegators to inform themselves before selecting a validator with whom to stake their tokens while reinforcing performance incentives between validators.
Governance and More
We’re shipping a few extra updates to Saigon Testnet along with this significant release. Starting today, on-going and closed governance proposals along with their voting results will be visible to everyone.
We’re excited to take this critical step towards a more decentralized Ronin with our incredible community.
Note: going forward, Saigon docs will merge with Ronin docs and can be found here: docs.roninchain.com.