It’s been 7 years since we started building in the NFT gaming space.
When we started, nobody cared about NFTs. Nobody even knew what they were. They weren’t controversial like they are now. They were unknown.
7 years ago, if you’d told us what would transpire over the coming 7, we would have spit out our drinks.
Millions of web3 gamers?
Billions in NFT volume?
Beyond Axie? Pixels? An entire gaming chain? The Guinness Book?
No. That would be too much. Too soon.
But it happened.
Together, we started a movement. A revolution. An empire.
We took the world by storm— going mainstream in countries like the Philippines. Documentaries have been made. Families have been lifted up. We’ve introduced crypto to everyday people.
Of course, we’ve also had to learn hard lessons along the way. The scale of these lessons forced us to mature quickly. We’ve been tempered with iron. Forged in fire.
In February, we take our next leap.
Open Ronin
Ronin has been live for 4 years as a curated chain. Why?
Focus: we wanted to give you the space and zen to focus on a few high quality games at once.
Learning: we wanted to learn more about what would work on Ronin, rather than expanding it too soon.
Exclusivity: many of the most successful consumer applications and platforms started exclusive (like Facebook) and then embraced a wider audience
As our success has started to snowball, the amount of work it’s taken to maintain exclusivity has increased. It’s becoming more likely that we’ll miss promising developers. The next Sky Mavis, if they applied to build on Ronin now, would they make it? We like to believe they would, but the chances of us missing out on promising young teams is increasing as our traction and reputation grows.
Now it’s time to open our doors and welcome more games. More Defi. More applications.
This is also a moment for unity in web3 gaming. In the past, games couldn’t be on Ronin if they existed on other chains. That won’t be the case with open Ronin. Ronin can finally be a core piece of every web3 game’s infra stack without forcing them to make hard decisions around exclusivity up front. This will unlock opportunities for us to work closely with new allies. New friends that were previously off limits.
So now we set sail in a new direction. The grand line.
A grand opening.
From this moment, Operation Leviosa is underway.
We are about to embark on a grand adventure, towards which we have been sailing for many years.
The entire web3 gaming space will be watching.
The journey will be hard. The waves will be rocky. The temperatures cold.
But if we’re victorious, we all have a chance to become part of a special generation.
The golden generation that lifted up Ronin’s gates to the rest of the world.
When we’re victorious, you will be able to look back fondly on these days and say:
“I was there. I did my part. I fought the good fight. The Ronin revolution grew stronger through my efforts.”
With Love,
The Founders
P.S. Over the coming days and weeks, the next generation of projects Destined for Ronin will begin to announce themselves. Let’s show them what it means to be welcomed onto the Ronin Network. We suspect a few bangers will also wait until the day Ronin opens to announce themselves.